4 Ways To Heal Digestive System Naturally


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Our digestive system is made up of digestive tract and other organs that help to break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste from our body. It is a complex system that can malfunction easily and sometimes lead to many digestive issues like bloating, gastritis, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain.   

There are many factors including diet, lifestyle, stress levels, and certain medical conditions of a person which can influence a healthy digestive system. However, there are several natural ways and simple tips to heal and improve your digestive system.   



1. Fiber-Rich Foods  

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One of the best ways is to consume a lot of fiber-rich foods daily for improving your digestive system. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that our body cannot digest, however it is an integral part of a healthy diet.   

Fiber can help to bulk up stool and promote regular bowel movements in our body to ensure our digestive system functioning well. It also prevents digestive problems such as constipation and diarrhea by cleaning and hydrating our GI tract.  

Fruits (bananas, avocado, pears, strawberries, apples), vegetables (broccoli, kale, spinach, tomatoes), whole grains (quinoa, oatmeal, barley), legumes (kidney beans, split peas, edamame), and nuts (almonds, chia seeds, walnuts) are foods that contain high fiber which are good for your digestive system. It is recommended to eat at least 25-30 grams of fiber in your diet daily.  



2. Drink More Water  

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Next, staying well-hydrated is important for keeping our digestive system healthy. Water helps keep foods moving through smoothly by lubricating the GI tract and softening the stools thus preventing constipation.   

Moreover, it helps to remove toxins and waste products from our body that can cause digestive issues.  



3. Probiotics  

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Probiotics are a mixture of live bacteria and yeasts that live in our body which are good for your health, specifically the digestive system. Probiotics help maintain digestive health by keeping the balance of microorganisms in the gut, preventing and treating various digestive problems.  

Fermented foods such as yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, and pickles contain probiotics. It is recommended to consume probiotic supplements for improving or restoring gut health.   


4. Manage Stress Levels  

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Stress can destroy  your body health, including the digestive system. Body will switch to “fight or flight” mode when stressed, which can lead to various digestive issues like diarrheas, constipation, and nausea.  

Thus, lowering your stress level is very crucial to support a healthy digestive system. For example, meditation, and deep breathing are the relaxation techniques that can help to destress for keeping the digestive system healthy.